目 前 共 有10 位 残 障 朋 友 在 资源 回 收 中 心 工 作, 其 中 包 括:分 类、整 理、拆 散、售 卖 等。
我 们 诚 心 希望 获 得 更 多 的 教 会 与 社 团 机 构 给 予 大 力 支 持 或 与 我 们 配 合 推 动 这 项 饶 富 意 义 的 活 动,与 我 们 一起 提 倡 环 保 运 动, 爱 护 大 自 然 环 境;在 促 进 环 保 之 余, 同 时 也 不 忘 慈 善。
The Beautiful Gate Charity Recycling Project has created job opportunities for the disabled people and it became another source of income for the Centre. We wish to extend our appreciation to all the churches and organizations for their generous support and kind partnership in making this programme a success.
Currently, there are 10 disabled friends working in the Centre, involving various jobs such as sorting, dismantling, storage, sales and etc.
We sincerely hoped that more churches and organizations would come forward to support or work together with us in promoting this meaningful activity. This project promotes a better consciousness towards the environment in our community through its effort in enhancing the value of our material belongings and creating a healthier and sustainable environment for everyone and it is also a charitable effort.