Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Expansion Project 扩建计划

With the increase of students in Beautiful Gate Kampar, we started the expansion project so that more students can be enrolled to obtain knowledge and education.

The project started from year 2007. The building construction which cost about RM 350,000 had just completed, with increase of 2 classrooms, 11 bedrooms, 1 computer room,1 recreational room, 1 kitchen, 1 dinning hall and 1 office cum teachers’ room. We are now still short of RM 150,000 for interior renovation and equipments.

We hope to receive your support and contribution to provide an opportunity to the disabled so that they can have a chance for education and be integrated back to the society in the future.

由于残障学员与日俱增,只能容纳15人的金保美门中心日愈拥挤,我们因此于2007年尾开始进行扩建工程,以便接收更多的残障学员。 此项耗资马币35万的工程为金保美门中心增加了2 间课室、11间房间、1间电脑室、一间休闲与运动室、1间厨房、1间饭厅和1间办公与教师室。目前,我们还需要马币15万以进行室内装修与购置室内设备和教育器材等,希望公众人士慷慨解囊,帮助残障同胞拥有受教育的机会,以便他日能融入社会,自立立人。

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